Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Letter - I Would Do That

I would do that:
Wait for you to walk into the door.
Greet you with a smile of happy you are home.
Loosen the clip and let your hair fall into my fingers.
Stroke your face with welcome back from the grind.
Take you into my arms and rewind the film so we see it together.
Let you know how joyful it is to have you home.
Take you into the fold of my arms, drawing you near me.
Ask you how your day went, with genuine concern.
Listen to you tell me what we have in the fridge and all the contents of the cabinets, try to remember all of the products you have in the bathroom.
Never criticize your frustrations with the cultists down the hall.
Try to remember that carbs are not a good thing.
Make certain the Audi driver is watching the road and not me.
Rewind the film again because lost ourselves in ourselves.
Rewind the film again because we lost ourselves in ourselves while the film was rewinding.
Turn the film off and lose ourselves in ourselves...

Oh yes, I would do that.

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